Tag Archives: Redistribution of Wealth

Redistribution = Marxism

FoxNews has uncovered a 7-year old radio with Senator Barak in which he discusses the failure of the civil rights movement to produce more equitable weath distribution in the United States.

Apparently Obama believes that change comes from the bottom up.  And if the masses of people who are blinded by Obama’s aura are any evidence of this reality, the America we have known will cease to exist in a hellstorm of new taxes, spending and redistribution, not just of money, but also of land.

To all citizens who have brokered land deals with the federal government to reduce tax burdens by placing lands in agricultural trust, listen closely:

The feds are on your heels.  And they are just about to rob you, not only of your land, but of your ability to make any money with it, either by agriculture or by resale.  You are about to be presented with a HUGE bill, for back taxes, penalties, and all manners of fees that you will owe to the federal government as a result of faulty assessed values on your property.  There will be NO MERCY.  If you are unable to pay, your property will be taken over by the federal government, stolen from you and sold to the highest bidder.

And you thought the bailout was bad.  First, the government takes control of the banks. This is the next step.  The government will control a huge portion of the land.

How do I know this?  I lived through a Marxist takeover of my household when my capitalist mother married a Communist.  And I know what will happen next.

I will be writing more detail about this subject all week.  Keep reading….

Redistribution = Marxism