Tag Archives: Spread the Wealth

Obama the Redistributor

Spreading Obama’s Wealth

Another new product!

h/t DP

Redistribution = Marxism

FoxNews has uncovered a 7-year old radio with Senator Barak in which he discusses the failure of the civil rights movement to produce more equitable weath distribution in the United States.

Apparently Obama believes that change comes from the bottom up.  And if the masses of people who are blinded by Obama’s aura are any evidence of this reality, the America we have known will cease to exist in a hellstorm of new taxes, spending and redistribution, not just of money, but also of land.

To all citizens who have brokered land deals with the federal government to reduce tax burdens by placing lands in agricultural trust, listen closely:

The feds are on your heels.  And they are just about to rob you, not only of your land, but of your ability to make any money with it, either by agriculture or by resale.  You are about to be presented with a HUGE bill, for back taxes, penalties, and all manners of fees that you will owe to the federal government as a result of faulty assessed values on your property.  There will be NO MERCY.  If you are unable to pay, your property will be taken over by the federal government, stolen from you and sold to the highest bidder.

And you thought the bailout was bad.  First, the government takes control of the banks. This is the next step.  The government will control a huge portion of the land.

How do I know this?  I lived through a Marxist takeover of my household when my capitalist mother married a Communist.  And I know what will happen next.

I will be writing more detail about this subject all week.  Keep reading….

Biden Strikes Out; Obama Takes Ball and Goes Home

As a result of the interview below, the Obama campaign has issued a statement denying WFTV access to the Obama campaign for the remainder of the election season.  Apparently, despite supporting the Phillies while in Philly, and spreading the love to the Devil Rays while in Florida, Obama dislikes hardball. 

Reported in the Orlando Sentinel:  Dems nix WFTV chat with Jill Biden

Why did Barack Obama‘s campaign cancel a WFTV-Channel 9 interview with Jill Biden, wife of Sen. Joe Biden? The campaign cited “an unprofessional interview” WFTV’s Barbara West did Thursday with Joe Biden. In a statement Friday, Adrianne Marsh, Florida spokeswoman for Obama’s campaign, said the station, in talking with Sen. Biden, was “both combative and woefully uninformed about simple facts.” Marsh said West’s insistence that Obama was an organizer for ACORN was “100 percent false.” “In a line of questioning that would make Rush Limbaugh proud, West even went as far as to quote Karl Marx, a Communist icon, in a disturbing attempt to associate Barack Obama with socialism,” Marsh wrote. West said, “I think I asked him some pointed questions. . . . I don’t think I was rude or inconsiderate to him.”

A standing ovation to Barbara West for handling tough questions professionally and appropriately.

A word to Obama and Biden: You’re OUT!

The Obama Department of Peace and Non-Violence

Another big government spending program is about to be born.  We can thank Barney Frank and his cronies for putting their hands in our pockets yet again to see to it that everyone has the same “economic rights.” 

Everyone except our Congress.  Isn’t it amazing how many of them become rich during their tenure as our representatives?

Have a look at what is coming down the road:

Andy McCarthy writes

Kathryn & Jay, At least we know what will become of that 25 percent of the Defense budget Barney Frank want to slash from the protection of Americans.

The DC Examiner reminds us that already proposed in the House (HR 808) is the creation of a new, multi-billion dollar, cabinet-level monstrosity:  The Department of Peace & Non-Violence.  (Thanks to Dr. Andy Bostom for calling this to my attention.)

The DPN-V would house such vital new agencies as The Office of Peace Education & Training, the Office of Domestic Peace Activities, the Office of International Peace Activities, the Office of Technology for Peace, the Office of Arms Control and Disarmament (ACM — notwithstanding that Barnie seems to have that covered already), the Office of Peaceful Co-Existence and Non-Violent Conflict Resolution, and, of course, the Office of Human Rights and Economic Rights.  (Emphasis added.)

This, natch, is separate and apart from Wage Insurance (aka “Spreading the Wealth”), Obama’s proposed Global Poverty Act (aka Spreading the Wealth to the Globe through the UN), tax relief for oppressed classes such as trial lawyers (aka Spreading More Wealth to Top Democrat Donors); and gasoline subsidies (aka Spreading the Wealth to America’s enemies who are hurting now that oil is down to about $60/barrel).


No doubt this same bureau will be used to suppress public dissent over the outrageous expenditure of public monies that will improve the lives of everyone except the people who are paying for it: the US taxpayers.While we are allowing corrupt representatives to retain their positions of power, legislating and mandating more use of our hard earned dollars, those same dollars will be used to silence our protests in the name of “domestic peace” initiatives.
It will only be a short step before dissenting speech will be attacked as a “hate crime” and all objections will be crushed under the boot of a well-heeled domestic terror squad masquerading as the Department of Peace and Non-Violence.  Be prepared for “re-education camps” in the name of “Peace Education and Training”; be prepared for your computers and blackberries to be confiscated by the Office of Technology and examined for evidence of dissent.  Be prepared to suffer the consequences of holding a dissenting opinion.

Joe the Plumber did.  And government computers were used to investigate his background for asking a simple question.


Be prepared for violence as the tool for promoting and encouraging a specific domestic agenda.  Be prepared for violence as the tool for ensuring human and economic rights.   

It sounds like rioting and seizure to me…all executed under the Office of Peace.

A classic case of bait and switch. 

But while the New World Order is just around the corner masquerading as hope and change, the leadership is plotting…and scheming, transforming the American Dream right before our very eyes. 

Though the masks are slipping and we are beginning to get a good look at what lies beneath, we are still dreaming and hoping that somehow things will be different this election. 

But the monsters are growing, fed by hundreds of billions of dollars… of our money…and perhaps foreign money as well.

They look like our representatives, but they do not represent us or the values on which our government was founded. 

These are the true terrorists.

And they tap into our dreams…to establish their own.  They disarm us using our own ideals like freedom, justice and liberty, which are merely tools they warp and distort to achieve their own ends.

Then having entered our dreams, they do what all monsters do.

They terrorize us…and we freeze, helpless to help ourselves.

And our dream becomes a nightmare from which we cannot escape.

Only this nightmare is about to become a reality.  For evidence, take a hard look at the most recent election in Kenya.

No one can come to our rescue.

We must wake up.

America, WAKE UP. 

Dumb Dem Quote of the Day

“Yes, I believe later on there should be tax increases. Speaking personally, I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax at a point down the road and recover some of this money.”
(CNBC’s “Closing Bell,” 10/20/08)

Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) On Raising Taxes